Friday, June 15, 2012

The Basics

So here are the basics of my weight loss goals and my current stats...

Height: 5'7''
CW: 207 (Yikes... NOT GOOD!)
GW: 145-134 (not sure yet, it all depends on where I feel healthy, but that is my ideal BMI range.)
Waist: 34
Hips/Bust: 44
Thigh: 28.5

Meal Plan: Vegetarian
Eat between 1200-1500 calories a day.
Carbs: 135-252g
Fat: 30-60g
Protein: 60-130g
Adapted from

Workout:  Not a priority until I get my eating under control but eventually I would like to try the Insanity program.  Obviously I want to start some exercise as soon as possible, maybe some Pilates, just to get my blood moving again, but I'm not going to set any strict goals just yet. 

I'm basically looking to get down to 175lbs as fast as possible since that is the last weight I felt comfortable doing physical things at.  I did an aerial class at 195lbs and did ok on the silks and trapeze , but I was too heavy to lift my own weight on some of the apparatuses and that was hard to swallow, so 175 by Sept would be awesome!  I am using sparkpeople to manage my diet.  They have a really good collection of recipes on their sister site as well, especially for veggies like myself.  I also follow Shrednation2012 on Youtube and they have some cool stuff to try out both on the exercise and diet fronts.

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