Thursday, June 14, 2012

First Post and a Dilemma

So this is the first blog I have ever created besides a very brief encounter with livejournal which ended in a puddle of unnecessary teenage angst.  I have been inspired to begin this journal after coming across a number of blogs dedicated to weight loss journeys.  I have found them so inspiring and I love that those people had the forethought to take pictures and journal along the way to success.  Now those blogs serve as motivation to those of us just starting out.  I am, however struggling with how public I want to make my journey.  I am so torn between wanting to remain anonymous and wanting to share this journey with as many people as possible for the motivation and accountability I would receive, but also for the inspiration I might provide in the process should I prove successful.  The first question is of course, do I post before pictures?  I have also been considering making Vlog posts on YouTube since that is where I find a lot of my motivation and links to wonderful blogs.  LauraMustLoseWeight was instrumental in inspiring me to get off my butt and make a plan for change.  She really lays it all out there and I am hoping I find the courage to do the same. 

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